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Skill Building

Employers hire those who can demonstrate important transferable skills such as teamwork and creative problem solving and grasp specific industry skills and techniques such as the latest technologies, bedside manner, or welding techniques.

Transferrable or soft skills are easily transferred from job to job or profession to profession without much training. They are especially in demand today because it’s much more difficult to teach an employee a soft skill such as developing rapport with coworkers or managing conflict. Some transferable skills are Communication Skills, Problem-Solving, Teamwork, Leadership, Initiative, Creativity, Work Ethic, and Interpersonal Skills.

Technical or hard skills are concrete or objective abilities you learn and perhaps have mastered. As industries grow, the skills required today are constantly changing and evolving. It is important to keep abreast of trends, understand what skills certain job roles and industries demand, and master those skills to make you a more competitive candidate.

Find your industry’s the transferable and technical skills needed using our Labor Market Data tool below.


Boost Your Skills: What Is Upskilling and How Can It Help You

In the dynamic landscape of professional growth, staying ahead often involves continually acquiring new skills.

One pivotal strategy that can profoundly impact your career trajectory is upskilling. But what exactly does upskilling entail, and how does it contribute to your …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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6 Key Soft Skills Your Resume Needs

When putting together your resume, you’ll want to include your education, work history, achievements, and skills. Most often, a resume showcases both hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills consist of technical abilities such as working knowledge of the Microsoft …

By Firsthand
We help applicants, students, job-seekers and professionals like you find the right career path using the power of firsthand experiences.
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Help Job Seekers Gain the Upskilling and Reskilling Experience Employers Are Looking For

Many business owners are concerned about the impacts of the skills gap and talent shortage, so they are zeroing in on trainability in the hiring process. In fact, according to a recent LinkedIn Learning Report, 64% of L&D pros globally …

By CareerShift
Job hunting & career management solutions
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4 Steps For Higher Education After Incarceration

 25% of formerly incarcerated people don’t have a high school diploma or equivalency — this is nearly twice as high as …


STEMM-Up is a job readiness program that offers training, coaching, job shadowing, and internships to improve your quality of life …

IBM SkillsBuild – Earn Free IBM Certificates

SkillsBuild is a free online learning site powered by IBM.

SkillsBuild provides training and earn IBM badges in these areas.

Study Help: Flash Cards by Subject

Chegg Flashcards!

Study with over 500 million flashcards to find the deck you need. Not seeing it? Create your own.

The National Center for Healthy Safe Children

The National Center for Healthy Safe Children offers resources and technical assistance to states, tribes, territories, and local communities to …

Develop the knowledge and skills needed to find meaningful employment, advance in your current role, or level up to the …