Best jobs for single parents

Best jobs for single parents was originally published on College Recruiter.

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ORANGE COUNTY, CA — When it comes to being a single parent, the two most important characteristics of a job are flexibility and salary. And while those elements are found on a company by company basis, there are certain industries that lend themselves to being more flexible than others.

The most flexible professions include sales, public relations, health care and real estate. As an added bonus, employees who work in those fields have the potential to make decent salaries. Education is also on the list. Although the hours are set, they’re likely to be the same as their school-age children’s.
Of course not all companies in those professions are ideal for single parents. That’s why single parent’s must do their research to find out how family friendly their potential employer is. Among the characteristics they should look for (aside from the ability to control their own schedule) are flex time, job sharing and on-site child care.
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