Published on Global Emergency Medical Registry at https://www.gemr.org/


Emergency Medical Responders (EMR) provide immediate lifesaving care to patients who access the emergency services system. EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide basic lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional higher level EMS resource arrival. EMRs also provide assistance to higher-level personnel at the scene of emergencies and during transport. Emergency Medical Responders are a vital part of the comprehensive EMS response. Under medical oversight, Emergency Medical Responders perform basic care interventions with minimal equipment.


An Emergency Medical Responder may perform the following procedures only when the Emergency Medical Responder is part of an agency which has a Committee approved Medical Director who has issued written standing orders to that Emergency Medical Responder authorizing the following:

  1. Conduct primary and secondary patient examinations;
  2. Take and record vital signs;
  3. Utilize noninvasive diagnostic devices in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation;
  4. Open and maintain an airway by positioning the patient’s head;
  5. Provide external cardiopulmonary resuscitation and obstructed airway care for infants, children, and adults;
  6. Provide immobilization care for musculoskeletal injuries;
  7. Assist with prehospital childbirth; and
  8. Complete a clear and accurate prehospital emergency care report form on all patient contacts and provide a copy of that report to the senior emergency medical services provider with the transporting ambulance.
  9. Administer medical oxygen;
  10. Maintain an open airway through the use of:
    1. A nasopharyngeal airway device;
    2. A noncuffed oropharyngeal airway device;
  11. A pharyngeal suctioning device;
  12. Operate a bag mask ventilation device with reservoir;
  13. Provide care for suspected medical emergencies, including administering liquid oral glucose for hypoglycemia;
  14. Prepare and administer aspirin by mouth for suspected myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with no known history of allergy to aspirin or recent gastrointestinal bleed;
  15. Prepare and administer epinephrine by automatic injection device for anaphylaxis; and
  16. Perform cardiac defibrillation with an automatic or semi-automatic defibrillator, only when the Emergency Medical Responder


Certified personnel must notify the Registry within 30 days regarding the following matters:

  1. Change in mailing address (the best way to update a mailing address is by editing your account profile)
  2. Any criminal conviction.
  3. Disciplinary action taken by any agency having jurisdiction (or government body) that has resulted in suspension, revocation, or expiration of registration/licensure; termination of right to practice; voluntary surrender of registration/licensure while under investigation.

The Registry considers the individual to be solely responsible for their certification and reporting, any failure to follow process or report as required is solely the failure of the certified person and may result in immediate dismissal of their certification, as well as, immediate notification to any pertinent regulatory agency of their dismissal.

By Sarah Seavey
Sarah Seavey